
Monday 30 June 2014

Big Cats

Big Cats
Big cats have been on Earth for millions of years. But a new paleontogist  found a snow leopard named Titan. This unknown creature seems to be 4.4 million years old. This cat is an apex predator that means it is a predator for every animal but, prey ⅔ animals. People found it in the South African plains.

Wind power By : Ida Miraclin

Wind power
By:  Ida
Wind created by wind turbines is clean and renewable. Windmills have been around  for many years.Some wind turbines have been in this world for millions of years. Some have been in Persia in 200 B.C. Large lines of turbines are called wind farms. Little windmills are  used for charging batteries or backup power for caravans or sailing ships.

Thursday 26 June 2014


Electricity is made of different materials including non - renewable and renewable resources. Non renewable sources include uranium and fossil fuels, like coal and gas. When they’re used for electricity, these sources produce waste.


Every colour of the M&M spreads with the water. But, they have magnetic wall that the colour cannot touch. So they don’t touch the colours of other M&M’s. But when an dark colour is put in, it spread’s it’s colour and breaks the magnetic wall of other

Science Fair

Science fair
Guess what happened yesterday? We had a science showcase that we had to visit every class and had to see what they have done. It was REALLY fun, and every class did very well. This was REALLY interesting. I also learned that when you look through a microscope you can see the inside of objects. I wish we could have this everyday.

Thursday 12 June 2014

War Of The Ember

War of the Ember
Book author: Kathryn lasky
Book Series:  Guardians of ga’hoole
 This is a sad and happy book of war. At the beginning the king dies that was the sad part but the ending Soren becomes the king which i like the most. My favourite character is soren. because he was so fearless to defeat the most worst villain in the owl kingdom : THE PURE ONES. I rate this book for years My favourite part is when Soren becomes king. 7-8.

Rate:********/9 stars  


 New Home
Guess what! My family and I went to my uncle’s friend’s new house. We had a prayer meeting. After the prayer the kids got to play. Then we had the delicious lunch with ice cream and fizzy drinks as desert.The lazy adults started watching cricket and the chatty adults started chatting. The kids were playing and little babies started their adventure by running around the house.I was playing so much that I  forgot the time. Soon it was home time for many children but not me. I still got to play with the children that were still here. Them we had some fried fish. Yummy in my tummy. Then my uncle got a photo with his friends and we walked to the car. Before we got in the car my uncle asked me and my mum “should we go to duck pond or the mall?” I said duck pond and then my uncle looked at my mum with the sight of her answer . My mum said that I can choose. We went to duck pond but we couldn’t feed the ducks. Because we didn’t have the bread. We hopped in the car and the breeze began. The sun set with a colourful backround. What a great day!

Southern Lights

Southern  Lights
Another name for the Southern Lights is Aurora. An aurora aurialis is a natural light display in the sky, usually of greenish color but sometimes red or blue.

Aurora is caused by the collision of energetically charged particles with atoms in the high altitude thermosphere within our atmosphere.
To take full advantage of Flickr, you should use a JavaScript-enabledAuroras are associated with the solar winds that flow past Earth. These winds flow out from the Sun and contain plasma particles (ionized gas) which gets pulled into the Earth's magnetic pole fields.
As they accelerate towards the Earth, collisions occur between these ion particles and nitrogen and oxygen atoms in our atmosphere, releasing energy in the form of amazing aurora lights. The aurora often appear as "curtains" of folding light constantly changing shape.
Old folktales have suggested that the aurora can create brief and faint noises such as claps, static, or crackles heard on rare occasions by those on the ground. Recent scientific research has shown that this could in fact be true with clapping sounds recorded during an aurora display.

Exile By Kathryn Lasky Series : Guardians of Ga ' hoole


Author name: Kathryn lasky

Book Series: Guardians of Ga‘ hoole
This is a mystical book of an owl from another Kingdom and he comes to the land of noble owls and tries to hypnotize the King. My favorite character is Soren. He is the most bravest among all the owls. It would be more capturing if the book had some pictures.   My favorite part was when Soren saved the King.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

About me


Tall, 8 years old girl, loves music.
Sister of Freida.
Who loves technology, knitting ,arts and crafts.
Who feels happy when included in games, said nice things ,shared things equally.
Who gives time for piano class ,special occasions, studying.
Who needs mum to help with homework , someone for company, sometime to relax.
Who fears dark places, heights ,tall buildings in fear that I will fall.
Who would like to see the chromebook, create a blog , learn cyber safety.
Resident of Mt Roskill , Auckland.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Cows and Calves

Calves and cows
Calves are born from their mother’s called ‘cows’. The calf pops up and try to stand up on it’s own legs. The calf drinks milk from their mother’s udder.When calves are born they are taken to a warm shed to be taken care of.

When calves are hungry the farmer gives it milk to drink.When calves see milk they are greedy and want to be first. The older the calves grow they nibble on grass rather than milk. The older the more grass they feed on and less milk. They also love drinking water. Young calves have tiny horns and are disbudded with hot iron. They need an injection to prevent infection.

The farmers choose the best female calves and they are called milking cows or heifer. One cow can produce 20,000 litres of milk a year. Male cattle are killed for their veal. The best bulls are kept for mating with females to produce new calves.

By: Ida


Cats and Kittens

This is my presentation about Cats and Kittens. I learnt that cats and kittens can be different colours.